Car Care LLC 307-234-4431

Engine and Exhaust

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A Clean Sweep (Fuel Injector Cleaning)

Your vehicle gets its power from burning fuel, usually gasoline, and it counts on something called fuel injectors to send gas to the engine in a spray that is easy to ignite.  It’s a precis...
Published on: Oct 06, 2024

A Door No One Can Step Through (Fuel Door Repair and Maintenance) Has Video

Your vehicle has lots of doors including that one usually near the back on the vehicle's side.  That's the fuel door, something you use every time you gas up.  These endure hundreds of open-...
Published on: Jan 31, 2021

Don't be Fuelish (Signs Fuel Pump is Failing) Has Video

A driver of a large SUV loaded with equipment was heading on a 7-hour work trip when he stopped at a gas station to refuel.  When he went to restart his SUV, it turned over but wouldn't catch.&nb...
Published on: Dec 13, 2020